Dad of 3 gone indie hacker, again

Peter Mick
2 min readMay 5, 2022

I’ve always had a day job, and for the past 12 years or so have been employed as a software engineer in the industry.

I’ve recently realised, that I’ve also been a so called Indie Hacker way back in around 2010. The term “Indie Hacker” had not been coined back then yet, and it only came to life when was founded in 2015 by the twin brothers Courtland & Channing Allen.

I’ve built things in the past as a solo dev, mainly web apps, had high hopes, deployed a few but nothing ever really came to life. Why? I wasn’t doing any marketing. I guess I thought ‘build it and they’ll come’, no, that’s not how it works.

I also thought you need VCs in order to succeed. Wrong. I was so wrong, and so many lessons learned over the years.

A new beginning

As of 2020, I’ve levelled up and became a dad (of 3, including baby twins). And I need to become an indie hacker again more than ever. With the arrival of the twins, our expenses have gone up a lot. To ensure a comfortable lifestyle, and being able to go for a family holiday for the 5 of us, day jobs are just not going to cut it. In other words, I could think of two goals:

  • “Short” term: help pay for the nursery bill and nappies (and I mean lots of ‘em)
  • Long term: achieve that financial independence and personal freedom everyone keeps talking about.

So, I’m back to it, I’ve always enjoyed and love to help others, so couple that with my technical skills and experience, and I might as well be able to put something together and make it happen.

I love to write code (and have been employed in the industry for the past 12 years or so, mostly in the banking sector). I’m a big fan of clean, smooth UI/UX and I’m really into the keep it simple (or KISS) principle:

  • less is better
  • less things to maintain
  • less technical debt
  • less things that can potentially go wrong (reduced risk, my banking sector experience coming out here)
  • better user experience

So with that in mind, let’s make it happen — I’m all set and motivated to start building lean micro startups that are meaningful and sustainable.

If you’d like to see what I’m up to, and what lean micro startups I’m going to build next 👇

I post daily updates on Twitter, so hop in and follow me there :-)

See you around!

